Planning, Research & Evaluation – our services help you meet and exceed all your accessibility goals.
Project design reviews:
Project design reviews identify and resolve accessibility issues in the conceptual phase of project/product development. We work with your team to find solutions to remove accessibility barriers. We provide guidelines for how to incorporate universal design principles that results in the best experience possible to your entire user-base.
User Research:
User research uncovers the needs, expectations and motivations of users with disabilities. Guided by user-centered design (UCD) principles, we examine user behaviors to gain a deep understanding of how people with disabilities think about your project/product.
User-Experience Testing:
User-experience testing evaluates your digital tools to discover how people with disabilities and assistive technologies interact with them. We design custom evaluations to assess your products. Accessibility user-experience testing will give you the opportunity to significantly improve your project/product before it’s made public.
Project Management:
We provide comprehensive project management to ensure the success of your next accessibility project. With 10 years of experience managing research and development teams, we bring together high-stakes partners and build collaborations with stakeholders to develop, evaluate and deliver inclusive, quality products.